Welcome to Candideck
Find Roles Effectively
Candideck takes your unique resume and compares it against active job descriptions providing you with a sorted list of roles that fit your skillset, all for FREE!

Candideck Features
Here at Candideck, we truly believe that candidates are the most important aspect of the hiring process. Companies would never fill roles without getting candidates hired!
However, companies use tools, algorithms and logic to screen out candidates before the resume ever reaches the recruiter. Candideck takes these same tools, but uses them to the job seekers benefit!
Our goal is to help you screen out irrelevant jobs that don't match your resume and highlight the ones that do.
This saves you time and helps getting you in front of the recruiters for the jobs that match your unique skillset.

Easy Signup
The application process comes comes with filling out a lot of forms, however Candideck's registration is quick requiring only a minimal set fields to fill out.

Immediate Resume Matching
After signing up your resume will immediately be compared to all the active jobs in our system allowing you to start reviewing roles that fit your criteria.

Nightly Job Refreshes
Every night, jobs matching criteria, location, and distance are searched for and consolidated.

Ranked Opportunity List
Our algorithm then takes your resume and each role is ranked from 100% showing an ideal match to your resume to 0% allowing you to skip irrelevant roles.

Direct Application Links
No one likes when application links take you to a full list of all a companies jobs. Candideck will take you directly to the job you are trying to apply for.

Job Voting
Vote on each role to provide to teach our algorithm the roles that you like, as well as the ones you don't.
How it Works
Candideck was made as easy as possible to use
The signup process is streamlined only requiring a handful of fields:
- Name
- Password
- Resume
- Job Title / Keyword
- Job Location
- Search Radius
After signup, your resume will be compared against all the active jobs in our system.
A 'Match %' for each role showing how well your resume matches to the job.

Vote on each role to train our AI to provide you with better roles.
- Let's us know this was a great match, in addition removes it from your future list since you have already applied!
- You feel this is great match, but haven't applied to it yet. This allows you to come back to it in the future.
- This is not the type of role you are looking for. After you refresh the page you will never see it again.
Every night we will search for more roles that fit the criteria you entered on signup
Your votes will be taken into account, old jobs removed, new jobs added, and you will have a fresh list when you login
This process continues until your resume matches with that perfect position!